Book Creator


by Paetyn Winikerei

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

Paetyn Winikerei
Paetyn Winikerei

“Guys c-come here, look a-at this”
Me, Ali and Daqotah rush over, only to react the same way he did. A dead body hanging above the door in front of us, hair covering every feature of the face and blood dripping down both hands which from my perspective seemed to be from a trail of dark liquid, but as in all of our shock I gently moved the hair away and right then and there hung my best friend Rita. 
Chapter One
“I'm all in, royal flush” Daqotah says in a “confident tone”
“Nah ghee I’ll bet you, easy dubs,”
As we count down four, three, two, Daqotah and I sweep in all our m&ms in the middle of the poker table. We flip the cards with sync.
“Yeah boy less go! float like a butterfly, sting like a-
“BEE!” Daqotah says in an interrupting and objecting tone.
“But I don’t unders- I hear two loud knocks at the door that cancelled the conversation and broke into silence. The minute of silence was soon lost when an even louder bang at the door accured. With curiosity my cousin Andrew trotted happily to the door and turned the handle as though the pizza man was here. Andrew gasps at the discovery he had just witnessed, but as in words he struggles to say,

“Look, doppelgangers!”

The doppelgangers looked freakishly like us, every feature, movement, but there was something off about those who stood in the dark. As they approached us, they stood in the light, the light exposes what was truly in their hand. Blood soaked knives.
“RUN!” I say “into the van” as we gas off to escape.
But something felt strange, all they did was turn slowly and watch us as we run in fear and disbelief. We rush in the van as pure pressure and anxiety entered all our bodies.
“W-where are we going! We have doppelgangers who look like they are going to kill us,
 A stream of tears flowed down my face but as I was in complete shock and disbelief. Ali says in horror,

“Look, doppelgangers!”

The doppelgangers looked freakishly like us, every feature, movement, but there was something off about those who stood in the dark. As they approached us, they stood in the light, the light exposes what was truly in their hand. Blood soaked knives.
“RUN!” I say “into the van” as we gas off to escape.
But something felt strange, all they did was turn slowly and watch us as we run in fear and disbelief. We rush in the van as pure pressure and anxiety entered all our bodies.
“W-where are we going! We have doppelgangers who look like they are going to kill us,
”Ali says trying to avoid having a panic attack.
“Just calm down ill think of a plan meanwhile Andrew drives us to the school and fast” I reply
“Gotcha cuz”
“ OK now Daqotah, Ali both of you have seen the movie ‘Us’ right?”
“Yeah we watched that last week, why?” Ali says answering back.
“Well it's just like that, we have to kill our own doppelganger before they take our place in the modern world.”
As we plan and plan, Andrew yells-
“Hey guys there's someone standing on the road, its my doppelganger!”
“Run him over!” I say

Andrew runs his doppelganger over like a huge speed bump as black blood stains the front of the whanau van,
Andrew screams with accomplishment

“Die you piece of shi-
Thud! Two loud bangs made a dent on the roof.

“Damn are we really that heavy?” cried ALi
“Nah, that's just your eyes making the roof scared” I say with a smirk on my face trying to break the ice.
“Stop trying to burn each other, you know you’re not allowed to burn trash!” Andrew replied laughing a little. That laugh soon turned into and shocked squeal when we all witnessed two sharp blood soaked knives drive through the top of the roof.
 Then from the sides by the windows mine and Ali’s doppelganger leaned down, smashed the glass and snatched both our necks to the point of suffocation. Daqotah soon clicked and reached into mine and Ali’s pockets where we always kept our pocket knives, she handed them over towards us, Ali acts fast and stabs his doppelganger in the eye and pushes him out the window onto the concrete road and blood spreads everywhere.
 Meanwhile I stab my doppelganger repeatedly and blood pours down my shirt where the holes were made, I go in and try to stab her hand, I miss and stab my left shoulder. I scream in distress and affliction as i quickly remove the knife and stab her in the middle of her pupil and push her away. My blood spills and spreads around on the floor, with quick action Ali finds the first aid kit and wraps a bandage strip around my wound as I apply pressure.

“Daqotah it’s your time” I say struggling to find my words as I lay back against the sliding doors.
“Guys, guys!” Andrew says as he slams down the brakes and makes dark skid marks on the road to stop. “It's your doppelganger Daqotah”
“Daqotah take a deep breath and relax okay, you got this if you get hurt shake it off and if you die….. walk it off, take my knife and stab this egg you go girl”
“Thanks for the advice Paetyn” 
Daqotah approaches her doppelganger who stood infront of a fire freshly lit, she swings a right hook but misses. 
The fight to death was horrific but it still went on for minutes and minutes non stop.

While a blood pool formed as Ali, Andrew and I all lost who it was. Finally the fight ended, one of them tumbled and screamed as she was burnt in the fire with no more movement or sign of life. Daqotah stood tall but didn't say anything nor does she smiles in victory. 
“Daqotah” I shout out trying not to jump to conclusions. Daqotah turns her head slowly and smiles a scary smirk, her teeth are sharp and soaked in blood.
“Oh my god, we killed the wrong Daqotah.”.........