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(copy) Polish food habits

by Jointhe Eutable

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

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1. Polish habits and traditions

2. Traditional Polish food

3. Interesting facts about Polish cuisine
1. Polish habits and traditions
In general, in Polish cuisine, there is a lot of hard-to-digest, meat dishes that fill the stomach for hours. This is why we mostly eat three meals a day. The last meal, supper, might be something diffrent for every person.
Some of us like to eat something lite just to fill up but on the other hand, there are many fans of eating strong, fulfilling dishes even right before bedtime.

Of course, we eat things other than meat and noodles. We have many simple salads that are very common on our tables. For example, we have many different ways to do Vegetable Salad, often found on the easter table. It's made mainly from carrots, parsley, apple, and mayonnaise. We can also mention the Napa Cabbage salad which includes pickles, red bell pepper and corn.

At Christmas, the grand rule is no meat at all. Only fish and vegetables. Traditionally there are EXACTLY tweleve dishes during Christmas dinner and the children often can't open their presents before they tried all of them.