Book Creator


by Koa Hawk

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

1. Flowers

2. Stages

3. Climbing
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Chapter 1- Flowers

Flowers- This Magnolia tree has astounding flowers from trunk to branch to leaf. Anyone's Beauty Cannot compare to the beauty of this Magnolia Tree. The Flowers are as soft as a silk blanket, Its branches are as tall as the tallest house, Its leafs are as natural as a newborn baby. This tree is truly astounding.
Chapter 2: Stages

Stages- First, This Magnolia tree started out as a sapling when we bought it, We bought it knowing that it would be the perfect tree for us. We bought it and took it home to care for it. So we brought it home and put it in a pot and planted it and nurtured it with water and sunlight. Then 2 years later, it was ready to go into the outside world. So we planted it in the pot and we gave it some water and watched it grow. This tree grew for 10 years and then when it was time for the children to be big enough to climb, that time came.
Chapter 3: Climbing

Climbing- This Magnolia tree grew to its full size and then when myself and my sister were 5 years of barely, we went up into the tree and climbed to our hearts content. This continued for 9 more years as we grew.

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