Book Creator

All about Golden Retrievers

by Jax Dudek

Pages 8 and 9 of 13

Chapter 4 How Golden Retrievers are Entertained
Golden retrievers are entertained sometimes and sometimes they aren't. Golden retrievers usually are most entertained when playing outside. One way you can entertain your dog is by throwing them a stick or a toy. If you have a stick you can play tug o, war with him.
Golden retrievers also don't like somethings. One example is when you leave to go shopping, another example is when you move to a new house, dogs do not like big changes!
If your golden retriever is feeling sad you can make him happy. One way is to teach them a new trick or try to get energy out by going on a short jog or walk.
picture of owner tossing his dog a ball
Chapter 5 How to Take Care of Golden Retrievers
Golden retrievers need to be taken care of. You can take care of your golden retriever by keeping them safe. To keep your dog safe you can make sure to close doors so they won't run away,and stay near by them so they feel safe. Another example is I make sure my dog doesn't choke on his food.
You can also take care of golden retrievers by training them. You can hire someone to work with your dog or you can work with him. Some things you should train your dog are not to run away,and not to tear up everything. It might be hard to train them but when you do they will behave much better.