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The Easter Bunny is Missing

by Tina

Pages 6 and 7 of 8

Then, Mirabelle wanted to give up, but she knew the kids would be disappointed in her. Mirabelle decided to go to Magical Island to have a rest. Then, she saw a glimpse of something white in the distance. At first she had a smile, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. Suddenly, the Easter Bunny saw Mirabelle and said,"Hello, Mirabelle. What are you doing here?" Lastly, Mirabelle couldn't speak it was like someone knew she was looking for the Easter Bunny. Finally she found the Easter Bunny.
Lastly, Mirabelle said, "I was looking for you!" Her heart leaped with joy! Then, the Easter Bunny looked embarrassed. Mirabelle thought, "what's wrong with the Easter Bunny?" After that, Mirabelle said, "Hey! lets go you've got lots and lots of work to do tomorrow!" The Easter Bunny looked more excited now! She didn't say anything she just hopped behind Mirabelle! Off they went! To celebrate, Mirabelle got a humongous parade because she found the Easter Bunny!

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