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The Easter Bunny is Missing

by Tina

Pages 4 and 5 of 8

First, Mirabelle was so worried she wouldn't be able to find her. Then, Mirabelle remembered the Easter Bunny liked Diamond Lake. She would check there, so off she went. Next, Mirabelle checked all around. Then she saw something. Her heart skipped a beat! Mirabelle saw something shiny white. Before she could think about anything else, she crept off. As soon as she got there, she had a frown. It was only a milk puddle. Lastly, Mirabelle was so worried. Where could the Easter Bunny be?
Next, Mirabelle walked in town wondering where she could be. Then, she passed the candy store. She knew that the Easter Bunny liked candy and she got so excited and went inside the candy store. As soon as she got there, she saw a bunny and she knew it was the Easter Bunny. She ran towards it. Suddenly, she got there and she was deceived. It was only a fake Easter Bunny. She was so embarrassed. Sadly, she went outside and cried for about two hours. She was sad. Where could the Easter Bunny be?

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