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The Easter Bunny is Missing

by Tina

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

It was a beautiful morning, tomorrow was Easter. Mirabelle was super excited. First, Mirabelle woke up at 7:00 to meet her best friends to help the Easter Bunny plan the party. Then, Mirabelle and her friends Isabelle, Pippa, and Pat met at Pineapple Lane to talk. They noticed the Easter Bunny was missing. They were so worried. Pippa shouted, "Oh no! The Easter Bunny is missing. We can't do anything without the Easter Bunny. Mirabelle can you go look for him I'm very busy at home?" Lastly, Mirabelle was off in a blink of an eye to look for the Easter Bunny. Where could the Easter Bunny be?