Book Creator

Love Stories

by Caroline Vekemans

Pages 6 and 7 of 34

The Mysterious Man
Comic Panel 1
The story is about a woman named Elisabeth, she is a beautiful woman with short hair. On a Friday night she went to a dance all alone. This was her first time going to a dance and when she entered, she saw that there were a lot of men and women who were dressed very nice. There were violin players and pianists. Everybody was dancing but she was all by herself until she saw a man that she had never seen before. The man is from another city and he has the most beautiful eyes. She was shy at first but decided to make the first move. The man wanted to dance with her because he felt a bit lonely. They both were all alone, so they had nothing to lose. They were dancing all night long to a beautiful song. While they were dancing Elisabeth started noticing she was catching feelings for the man. Everyone was looking at them because they never saw two people dance so beautifully. Elisabeth was shy so she asked the man to stop dancing. They went to a table and asked for drinks. While they were waiting for their drinks the man got a phone call. The man had to go because his brother was in a car crash. Elisabeth wanted to ask his what his name was, but he didn’t answer. He gave her a picture of himself. It was a very old picture, he was 20 years old back then. Elisabeth tried to stop him running but he was too fast. Everybody was looking at Elisabeth. Elisabeth ran after the man, but she was too late. The man took a taxi back to his hometown to visit his brother. Elisabeth started crying in the middle of the street while it was raining. She went back to the ball to ask people of they knew the man. She asked some people if they knew the man, but no one knew him. She left the ball to go back home. On her way home she kept looking at the picture of the man. It was raining so she started running. when she got home, she immediately tried to sleep but she couldn’t because she kept thinking about him. Then she promised herself that she would do anything to find the man. The next morning, she went looking for the man, but nobody knew him. She went into all public buildings she knew, and even travelled to multiple cities. Every day when she wakes up, she still hopes that she will see him again, but she has never seen the man again, or heard of him.

-Yousri Meniaoui
A match made in heaven

Carl picked up Julie at the front door of the house. It was a couple who had just gotten married. They were madly in love and booked a romantic hotel to spend their wedding night. They had had a nice wedding, they had received many congratulations and nice letters. They arrived at the hotel at 1 am and settled in their room with rose petals. They took their time to go through all the letters. After reading all the letters, they went to bed. They had had a long and tiring day. They stayed on the top floor of the hotel, with a view of the sky. They were silent for a moment. Julie reflected on the adventure they had taken together. She asked Carl what he remembered about the first meeting. Carl said he once had a dream about Julie. He had dreamed that Julie was a girl in his class. She was super smart and pretty, every boy wanted her. One day Carl and Julie had to do a group assignment for school. They exchanged numbers so that the collaboration would run smoothly. They chatted all evening and decided to meet up the next day after school so they could get to know each other better. While Carl was telling his dream, Julie blushed . She was so happy that Carl was so honest and open with her. In the end it was already 2 o'clock and it was time to go to sleep. The next day they woke up at 9am and breakfast was ready at the door. During breakfast they were talking about what had happened yesterday. They didn't have much time to think. They had a flight to Mallorca at 11 o'clock where they went on their honeymoon for 2 weeks. After breakfast, they packed their bags and left for the airport and headed for a fun journey.