Book Creator

Love Stories

by Caroline Vekemans

Pages 8 and 9 of 34

Love on the line:

Anna was laughing at the restaurant. She was so happy that they were almost on vacation. Her boyfriend James was tired but happy at the same time. Once they arrived in Iceland, the only thing they saw was snow. After they had arrived at the house in the middle of the forest they went to bed. The next morning, the sun was shining on their faces. Anna turned the radio on, the song that was playing was Mina - Il cielo in una stanza.
Before the vacation they had planned some things to do. The first thing they were going to do was riding with huskies. After the ride, they were going to a café to drink something. Anna ordered a tea and James ordered a Cola. James was thinking how he could ask Anna to marry him. He already had a wedding ring, but he was just waiting for the right moment. He saw clearly that Anna was very happy so he was sure she would say yes. After the drink James asked Anna to come with him. James took Anna by her hand and they walked to a snow covered mountain. Once they arrived at the top, the sun was going down. The sky was red and orange. They had never seen such a beautiful sunset. At 9 am James took his ring. Anna started crying from happiness and said yes. For the next half hour, they both starred at the sunset until it was gone. This was a day that they will never forget.

-Jarne Simons
a man was just returning from war. His family and girlfriend are waiting for him at the airport. Everyone is happy he came back alive. In the evening the soldier, Thomas, takes his girlfriend out to a restaurant to celebrate that he had returned. The restaurant is reasonably quiet, there is a man playing a violin in the background, their table is prepared with candles in the shape of a heart. The waiter passes by and asks him “ Do you need anything sir?” No response from Thomas. His girlfriend asks him if he is okay. He nods yes but in reality he is not. The images of war keep replaying in his head and he can’t forgot about his friend who died at war. They order their food, the same as usual. Some minutes later his girlfriend asks him again “Do you really  feel okay?”, and again he says “Yes, I’m fine. Suddenly his girlfriend gets a call from a guy named Tony, She is acting very nervous and declined the call very quickly. Her boyfriend asks “who is Tony” and she answers “ooh he is just some dude from my work”. At the moment that she is saying this he gets a notification, it’s an image of a unknown number. He opens it and what he saw is a picture of this Tony giving his girlfriend a kiss. He gets angry like never before. She says “ I can explain” but he doesn’t listen and leaves the restaurant. While he is walking through the rain the song “ II cielo in una stanza”
-Dastan Karim