Book Creator

Love Stories

by Caroline Vekemans

Pages 10 and 11 of 34

Heaven on Earth
It’s 1990, America.

Two Italian tourists met each other whilst visiting America. They ran into each other by walking on the same shopping street in America. They instantly look like they are in Love. The fact that just at that time at that place both a woman and a man walked into each other, was a sign for them. There was a certain attraction to each other. They decide to go out together for the rest of the day. That night, they went to the bar of a hotel and they were having such a nice time. They couldn’t stop drinking that night and they talked and talked for hours and hours very interested in each other for the whole night. They end up in the hotel room. It looked like a of a townhouse (high ceilings, heaven painted on ceiling), light room with a big bed, fireplace across the bed, a chair in the corner between the fireplace and the wall with windows, everywhere are candles lit up. Cozy, wooden floor. They start undressing each other till the man only has pants on and the woman only has a nightdress on. Then they start kind of dancing and fighting, as if they were performing some modern dance because of the emotional ride they had been through that day. After dancing in the room, they end up in the bed making love all night.  
The unforgettable evening

It’s 20 February 2020 and the most famous ball takes place in Rome. A lot of people come, even if they have to drive for 6 hours. On that night, Rose is also there. She a is 22 years old women, lives in Rome and is single which is very weird because she is beautiful and very sweet. There is also a boy, called Jack. He is a very classy guy, who also lives in Rome and is 24 years old. If you should see him, you really think that he has a lot of self-confidence, but if you know him, you know that he is shy but very friendly. Around 8 pm Rose and Jack meet each other at a ball. They sing and dance to their favorite song. All night, the only thing they know about each other is that the boy’s name is Jack and the girl’s name is Rose. But 2 hours after the moment they have met each other, they lose each other because of the many people in the crowd. After searching each other for an hour, they both go back home. But at that point they didn’t know that they live only 5 minutes away from each other. Rose drives home and sees a man on the street that is changing the tyre of his bycicle. She recognizes him in an instant. Rose stops her car and gets out to see if it is really Jack... and yes! It is him. At first, he looks very surprised because he didn’t expect that he was ever going to see Rose again but that feeling quickly turned into extreme joy and happiness. Nearby there is a park, they sit down here and talk. At that moment they find out that they live on 5 minutes from each other. The following evening, they go to the opera. And now they still live together and still like go to a ball together.

- Valérie Swinnen