Book Creator

Love Stories

by Caroline Vekemans

Pages 12 and 13 of 34

How one day can change a life
On a sunny day in the summer of 2019, Michael was running from the police, after he had stolen a ring from a woman in her late 70s. Michael had already been running for 2 hours, so he was very exhausted. He started looking for hiding spots, small streets and houses. After looking around for a couple of seconds, he found a small street, with very luxurious houses. Michael had lost the police, but he knew they were on his tail, so after he saw a girl – around the age of Michael – he runs to her, asking her if he could go to the toilet. The girl saw in Michael’s glare, that there was something else going on. She heard the police sirens earlier, so she already had the idea that Michael wasn’t just a normal guy. After asking her what her name was, she replies ‘’Hi, I’m Sara.’’ Sara let Michael in, and Michael went to the toilet like he said. After he was done, Michael sees a picture of a person, guessing it was her dad. He asks her, is that your dad? Sara replies: ‘’Yes, he passed away 7 years ago because of cancer.’’ With tears coming in her eyes, she wipes it immediately. ‘’I’m so sorry’’ he replies. The conversation goes on for another 15 minutes, with Sara asking him: ‘’So, what did you do today? Tell me what’s wrong and why..’’ Michael stares blankly, worried. He knew Sara knew that he had done something wrong, by stealing the ring, he just didn’t know how she knew. He asks her ‘’How did you know?’’ ‘’No perfect looking guy would just come into my house, if there wasn’t something wrong with him’’ She replies. ‘’I stole a ring, I needed money to pay my bills and I have been involved in criminal activities for money since I have been young’’ He says. Sara’s look didn’t change, she wasn’t scared, or worried at all. After 30 seconds of silence, Sara asks Michael if he wants to stay over for a bit longer, so he could hide from the police and they could talk some more. Michael obviously didn’t refuse, he knew the police were still looking for him and deep down, he knew a person like Sara only comes around once in a lifetime. After hours long of conversations, about Michael’s past, Sara’s dad and all their interests, they get closer. They start kissing and cuddling, with all the rest following. When they’re done, they both beam. Michael tells her ‘’Thank you for talking with me, and helping me today, I have never been this happy. My parents passed away when I was young and I never had the chance to truly talk with anyone about all of my problems. I like you, you’re special.’’ ‘’Every person has their scars, some deeper than the others. Everyone deserves a second chance. Time goes on, and as the night comes and they watch movie after movie, have conversation after conversation, and eventually, Sara falls asleep in Michael’s arms. In the morning, when Sara is still asleep, Michael gets up, writes a letter to Sara, leaving his phone number behind. He knew what was right to do, and so he did. He went to the police station, turning himself in and gave back the ring to the woman. Sara has been calling and texting, not knowing Michael turned himself in. The days go by, and the day of Michael’s conviction has come. The judge decides that Michael will be in jail for the next 2 years. Michael asks the police if they could let Sara know. The police calls Sara letting her know Michael has turned himself in, and faces 2 years in prison. When in prison, Michael and Sara meet occasionally, every week. The 2 years fly by, and Michael is finally free. Immediately when they get out, he goes on his knees and he tells Sara: ‘’The day I was with you, was the day I finally felt like I had a purpose, I felt like myself. The day felt like heaven, and with you in my arms, everything around me goes blank and all I can see is you. Sara, do you want to marry me?’’ She starts crying, saying ‘’Of course I do.’’ They both smile and kiss each other. Michael told Sara ‘’I will never do any bad things again.’’ 
Comic Panel 1
Anna e Marco
Love stories inspired by 'Anna e Marco' by Lucio Dalla