Book Creator

Thank You For (online)

by Tracey Yee

Pages 4 and 5 of 25

It started with something so simple. Like so many thousands of Hall and Oates fans, I pre-ordered Change of Seasons and signed up for some “bonus” items (poster and guitar picks) in June 2016. It’s one of a hundred things we do online everyday - click, click and it’s forgotten. Then, more than six months later, the first unexpected moment happened. For reasons still a mystery, St. Martin’s Press sent me an unsolicited advanced galley copy of Change of Seasons. And as luck would have it, the book arrived on December 21st, 2016, the winter solstice - an actual change of seasons!

On that same day, Chris Epting was hanging out on the “No Goodbyes” H&O fan Facebook page and he happened to post a note updating the book’s release date. Not able to contain my mailbox delight, I posted a reply:
That one spontaneous post sparked a series of events I never expected. Through the magic of Facebook, what we once called “six degrees of separation” has now become “one click of separation”. Chris Epting reached out to me, anxious to know if I was reading the book:
My use of social media is pretty limited (I have no Facebook friends), so this digital conversation with the co-writer of John Oates’ memoir was surprising to me. For a few weeks, Chris checked in to see what I thought of the book, answered my questions and encouraged me to write a review on Goodreads. Writing a review seemed like the least I could do for the bit of an insider’s view I was getting with this book.
Not only had I received it three months in advance, but I was in conversation with one of the authors! So I committed some time and thought into a book review and posted it to Goodreads in early 2017.