Book Creator

Inventions That Changed The World

by Barry Condron

Pages 8 and 9 of 24

Vaccination is a way of protecting the body against a disease. The body can fight many diseases by producing substances called antibodies. One type of vaccination causes the body to make antibodies against a disease without actually causing the disease.
Edward Jonas Salk
Edward Jonas Salk (1914-1995) was an American scientist. He developed the first vaccine that prevented a crippling disease called polio. A vaccine is a special medicine that keeps people from getting sick or harmed from a certain disease. Salk was born in New York City. He graduated from the New York University School of Medicine in 1939. Then he began to study germs called viruses that caused flu and polio.Many scientists had studied what makes people immune , or protected, from catching diseases. Salk learned from their work and used what he learned to make a polio vaccine. He had to weaken the virus that caused polio, but not destroy it completely. The weakened virus would not cause the disease, but it would help people's immune systems protect them against polio. Their immune systems would then make materials called antibodies to fight the disease.In 1953, Salk tried out the vaccine on himself, his wife, and his three sons. It was safe and seemed to work. In 1954, the vaccine was tested on nearly 2 million children. It was a success, and Salk received many honors. He would not take any money awards, and he went back to work to improve his vaccine. Salk spent much of life teaching. In 1963, an institute was started in his name in California, and he continued his work there. He died on June 23, 1995.
Edward Jenner
Edward Jonas Salk
American Scientist
Edward Jenner
British Doctor
Louis Pasteur
Edward Jenner (1749–1823) was a British doctor. He was the first to show that a vaccination (a type of shot) can keep someone from getting a serious illness. Jenner gave a boy a shot with germs from a mild sickness called cowpox. The shot kept the boy from getting a much more serious illness called smallpox.Jenner was born in Berkeley, in England. When he was about 20 years old, he went to London to learn to be a doctor. Jenner returned to Berkeley to practice medicine. He lived there the rest of his life.Jenner vaccinated the boy in 1796. Four years later, doctors throughout the world were giving smallpox shots to keep people from getting sick. Jenner received many awards for his work.
Louis Pasteur  (1822-1895) was a great French scientist. His work has saved many lives.Pasteur was born in Dole, France. Early on, he showed a talent for art. He later studied chemistry in Paris. By age 26, he was famous for his work in chemistry. However, he soon started studying tiny living things called bacteria.Pasteur was the first to show that living things come only from other living things. Before that, many scientists believed that life could come from things that are not alive, such as dirt. Pasteur also showed that the spread of bacteria can be controlled.
In the early 1860's, Pasteur discovered that germs could be killed with heat. This use of heat became known as pasteurization . Pasteur used this method to control the growth of germs in wine, milk, beer, and food.In 1865, a disease was killing a lot of silkworms, which spin the fibers used in silk cloth. Pasteur proved that a germ that attacks silkworm eggs caused the disease. He then showed that killing the germ would get rid of the disease. Pasteur proved that many diseases are caused by germs. He then showed that germs can be made weak in a laboratory. When the weak germs are placed in an animal's body, the animal can fight off the germs without getting sick. This method of fighting off germs is called vaccination.
Louis Pasteur
French Scientist
Measles is a disease that causes a pink rash all over the body. It usually strikes children. Measles is caused by a tiny particle called a virus. It spreads through the air when someone coughs or sneezes. People who catch measles have a fever, a runny nose, watery eyes, and a cough. Then small pink spots appear. After the coughing stops, the rash fades away.Children should receive a shot of the measles vaccine. This shot can protect most people from getting measles.
Mumps is a disease that spreads easily from person to person. It causes painful swelling below and in front of the ears. Mumps is caused by a virus, or a tiny germ, in the saliva of a person with mumps.A person shows the first signs of mumps about 18 days after coming in contact with the mumps virus. These signs include fever, headache, muscle aches, and sometimes vomiting. Then the swelling begins. Pain in the swollen area may make it hard for the person to chew or swallow. The swelling lasts about a week.Today, there is a vaccine for mumps. It is a shot that protects people from the disease.
Rabies is a serious disease that destroys tissue in the brain. It is caused by a tiny living thing called a virus. Human beings and other animals can get rabies.People usually get rabies from animals, such as dogs, cats, bats, and raccoons. Such animals may carry the rabies virus in their saliva,a sticky liquid in their mouths. If the animal bites someone, that person may get rabies.A person infected with rabies usually notices a headache and finds it hard to swallow. People can die from rabies if they do not get help quickly. Doctors give people bitten by infected animals vaccinations to keep them from getting sick. 
By Elise O'Reilly
and Paul Lucey