Book Creator

Inventions That Changed The World

by Barry Condron

Pages 6 and 7 of 24

Light Bulb
Thomas Edison  (1847-1931), was one of the greatest inventors in history. His most famous inventions include electric lighting and the world’s first electric power system. He invented the first practical machine that could record and play back sound. He called this device the phonograph. Edison also made improvements to telegraphs,telephones, and motion pictures.
Edison was an active businessman. He created new companies to manufacture and sell his products. Income from selling his products helped support his research laboratory and the development of more devices. As a result, Edison and other manufacturing pioneers in the late 1800's helped make the United States an industrial world power.
Thomas Edison's middle name was Alva.
Thomas was pulled out of school after twelve weeks. The reason why, was because he annoyed his teachers too much, by asking so many questions.
How It Changed The World
The first electric light was switched on by Humphrey Davy when he connected two charcoal rods to a battery in 1809.Davy's light was bright but didn't last long.It showed that some materials glow when electricity passes through them,but the lights often caught fire.Fellow Englishman Joseph Swan experimented with removing the air from the bulb in 1870s to stop this, but ran into other problems.
Light bulbs meant safe, bright lighting at the flick of a switch.Only now, after more than a hundred years, is the basic design being improved to make it more efficient. It also paved the way for the first car headlamps which used oil, but much safer electric ones were invented in 1898.Neon lights which contain the gas Neon were invented by a Frenchman Georges Claude in 1910.Flash bulbs were invented in 1929, replacing dangerous and noisy Flash Powder.
By Conor and Sinead