Book Creator

I can Control Fire

by Willow Niederhelman

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

Lena had always known that she was different. As a child, she was fascinated by fire, and despite her parents' warnings, she would often try to play with it. One day, when she was seven years old, she discovered that she could control it too. She had no idea how it happened, but something inside her made the flames curl and twist around her fingers.At first, Lena was terrified by her newfound abilities. She didn't understand what was happening to her, and she was afraid that she was possessed by some sort of demon. However, as she grew older, Lena became more comfortable using her powers.She learned how to control the fire, making it dance and flicker at her command. She could create flames from thin air, manipulate existing fires, and even extinguish them. Lena knew she could hurt people if she lost control, so she kept her powers secret from everyone.
But one day, when she was 14, something went horribly wrong. She was sitting in class, doodling on a piece of paper when the pencil fell from her hand. As she reached out to grab it, a spark flickered from her fingertips, igniting the paper. In seconds, the entire desk was engulfed in flames.

Lena panicked and tried to put out the fire, but it only seemed to grow hotter and more intense. Soon, the entire classroom was ablaze, and Lena realized that she had lost control of her powers.

The next few days were a blur. Lena's parents were horrified by what had happened, and they called the authorities. Within hours, Lena was taken into custody and placed into foster care.