Book Creator

I can Control Fire

by Willow Niederhelman

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

After a few days in her new home, Lena started to explore the neighborhood. She spent hours walking around, trying to get a sense of her new surroundings. However, wherever she went, she felt like an outsider. The other kids in the neighborhood were friendly enough, but Lena could never shake the feeling that there was something deeply wrong with her.

Then, something unexpected happened. Lena met a girl named Lila, who lived just down the street. Lila was different too, although not in the same way as Lena. She had the ability to read minds, and just like Lena, she had been taken into foster care because of her powers.

Lena and Lila became fast friends. They spent hours talking about their experiences and sharing secrets. Lena was amazed to find someone who understood what it was like to be different. For the first time since she had left her home, Lena felt like she belonged.

As the weeks went by, Lena discovered that there were other kids with extraordinary abilities scattered throughout the foster system. Some could fly, others could bend metal, and a few could even teleport. It was like they were a secret society hidden in plain sight.