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I can Control Fire

by Willow Niederhelman

Pages 6 and 7 of 17

But Lena knew that something wasn't right. There were rumors circling around the foster system, whispers of government experiments and mysterious organizations watching the children. Lena started to investigate, talking to other kids and trying to piece together what was happening.

She discovered that there was an agency that specialized in taking in children with special abilities. At first, Lena thought that it was a safe haven for people like herself, but the more she uncovered, the more she realized that something was very wrong. Children would disappear, taken away to secret labs. There were whispers of human testing and dark experiments.

With the help of Lila and a few other kids, Lena started to train her powers. She learned to control them better than ever before, bending the flames to her will. Together, the group began to hatch a plan to uncover the truth about the agency and put a stop to their activities.

It wasn't easy. They had to be careful; one wrong move could put them all in danger. But slowly, Lena and her companions began to piece together what was really going on. The agency was using the children's abilities in horrific experiments to develop weapons for the government. They were forcing them to do things that no human should ever have to endure.

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