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I can Control Fire

by Willow Niederhelman

Pages 8 and 9 of 17

Driven by a sense of fear and anger, Lena and her friends decided that they had to put an end to the agency's horrors. They came up with a strategy, using their powers in new and unexpected ways to take the battle to the agency's doorstep.

It was a long, difficult fight. There were moments when Lena felt like she would never escape, like the agency's reach would always be too long. But she refused to give up, knowing that the other kids needed her help. And when they finally emerged victorious, Lena felt like she had accomplished something incredible.

In the end, Lena and the other gifted youngsters found a new home, far away from the foster system and the agency's reach. Lena was finally able to use her powers without fear or shame, surrounded by friends that loved and accepted her. It wasn't the life she had imagined, but it was one that she was proud of. And as Lena watched the sunset from her new bedroom window, she knew that no matter where she went, she was always going to be different. But that was okay. In fact, that was what made her special.

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