Book Creator

Our smART stories

by I.C. Vivaldi - Catanzaro, Italy - Students of Classes 3B and 3D - Prof.ssa Antonella Sellia

Pages 2 and 3 of 40

Lika & Julia

Air pollution is everybody's problem 
Once upon a time there was a white cloud, which was taking a walk, and she decided to go and see the sea. When she got to the sea she saw a strange substance that came from a boat, and then she was curious and decided to swim with her. Back home, the cloud saw herself in the mirror and noticed that it was no longer white, but had turned black. Leaving the house and going to school, the cloud noticed that his mates and his friends were white and then the cloud felt different, but over time he saw that gradually his friends also got that dark color. Then she decided to investigate this fact and after her research the little cloud discovered that it was the fault of oil, of industries ... and that these facts had already occurred and that this form takes the name of air pollution. The cloud looked for a remedy to for herself and for her friends, and she discovered that unfortunately there is no solution except the contribution of people, to stop air pollution and to save the world.