Book Creator

Our smART stories

by I.C. Vivaldi - Catanzaro, Italy - Students of Classes 3B and 3D - Prof.ssa Antonella Sellia

Pages 4 and 5 of 40

Lika and Julia

Air pollution is everybody's problem
The main characters of the photo are two bad guys: Carbon (Dioxide) and Gas (Gases). Carbon Dioxide and Gases are pollutants. In the past with the industrial revolution they started to pierce the ozone layer because man used gases in the industries. The problem was that the ozone layer had very big holes that let ultraviolet rays come to the Earth. This problem was not solved by the gases but by the fact that in this period we're all at home. To conclude I think that this period was really bad for anyone but the problem of air pollution was solved in part by using less cars and working less in industries. We have to make this sacrifice even in the normality and fight against the two bad guys, because air pollution is everybody's problem!