Book Creator

Our smART stories

by I.C. Vivaldi - Catanzaro, Italy - Students of Classes 3B and 3D - Prof.ssa Antonella Sellia

Pages 6 and 7 of 40

Magda and Carolina about water pollution
A long time ago a girl entered a café to drink a glass of water, but while she was about to drink, the water in the glass spoke to her and asked for help, saying that before she was pure and fresh, but man's hand had ruined everything and she wanted to be as she was before.
 The girl promised to help water and save her.  At first she tried not to throw things on the street anymore, but she saw that it was useless because she needed everyone's help and then she made a demonstration against water pollution and explained that to make nature be as before it was necessary first of all not to throw garbage on the street, to recycle, not to use too many detergents because they are toxic, stop to use plastic and learn to use recyclable things ...
 In this way water will finally be as it was before.