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European day of languages 2020 - TUŠ Poreč

by Danijela Banko

Pages 4 and 5 of 15

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Welcome back to school. This school year is very special to everyone. The whole situation is uncertain because of the coronavirus pandemic and I’m sure that a lot of students are a bit stressed about it. However, the pandemic is not the only reason why this school year is special to me. In fact, I’m a senior and this is my last year of high school. My school follows the B model in Croatia, which means that one week we physically go to school and the next week we take online classes. Of course, this isn’t the way I expected my last year of schooling to look like, but I think it’s the best way to stay safe and responsible. I’m sure that if we all give our best to get through these hard times, this year will go as planned. We’ll still enjoy our last months together and have an amazing time.
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To sum it up, I personally think that these difficulties will make us reasonable adults and I’m sure we’ll learn a lot from it – starting from self-discipline to being responsible. We’ll make it through all of this together. Stay safe and stay positive!

Andrea Bošnjak, 4. HTT 
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