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Friends Forever

by Kush Bhagat

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Then they left Madanlalji went to Konnagar in Bengal. Therefore Bhudermalji went to a village in Bombay. Madanlalgi went to a castle an empty one, an old one, but a really good one. Madanlalji loved his new home and so did Abhay! Bhudermalji lived in a hut.

20 years later, a miracle happened, India got Independence Madanlalgi moved to Kolkatta and Bhudermalji moved to Kolkatta to! but they did not know that their best friend is in the same place they are Madanlalji and Bhudermalji did not fit in there office so both of them changed their office and somehow they moved to the same office.

Bhudermalji saw Madanlalgi and ran to him and said “hi you remember me”

Madanlalji answered, “I thought I will never see you again”. 

Madanlalji and Bhudermalji were so happy which made everybody in the office was happy to.They even started crying like the time the left each other, while working so they almost lost their job but they didn’t! When they went home they went home together, they played in the park before going to their floor. Even when they were more than 20 years old! After that, they went home and the parents saw them together. The parents really happy that they were back together, even though the parents did not know their friends were there.

Then Madanlalji thought to himself yay I at least have one friend. Bhudermalji thought to himself, my friend came back I am going to have the best day of my life every day!                 

That’s when Bhudermalji and Madanlaji realised you actually can be friends forever from any distance!
We still/Afterword
Today a lot of family members like my Dad do not stay even in Kolkata but in different parts of the country or even in different parts of the world.
We still as a family try to meet twice a year during Holi or Diwali - now the family has over 300 different family relatives.
Our ancestral house is still there in Nawalgarh in Marwar ; Rajasthan and Dad said we will go there soon and he shared a photograph and video of the house with me.
I really enjoyed learning about my family history!

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