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Friends Forever

by Kush Bhagat

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Friends Forever

One day two best friends were playing around mosk as in running around mosk.

One friend's name was Madanlalji and the other friend's name was Bhudermalji. The two friends were dying because of the sun, but they would n’t stop playing because they did not want to go home.

Madanlalgi said, “I do not want to go home my mom will give me homework”

Bhudermalji agreed and replied, “me too.”

They got so tired in a few hours, the two friends slept in the mosk because the went inside the mosk. The friends slept for 15 hours, just in time for school but not homework. They got detention and then…   

They had a conversation about there detention, why they liked it and why they didn’t like it.

Bhudermalji said, “I like detention, do you?”

Madanlalji answered, “no”

Bhudermalji asked, “why?”

Madanlalji replied, “I will get a scolding for not doing homework, getting detention because, I have never gotten detention, and sleeping in a dirty place.” 

Then Madanlalji asked, “why do you like detention?”
Bhudermalji with a funny face said, “Because you miss most school hours and get beaten by a stick, I like getting hurt!”

They always had a good time together, but Madanlaji did not like detention. Although Madanlalji loved the place where he was living in. He lived in Rajasthan! Madanlalji and Bhudermalji lived in the same building, same floor but they were neighbors, which was yet good because the could meet each other every day! Rajasthan was so lovely and beautiful. The food was really good.

After Madanlalji went home his father Abhay shouted at him and game him scolding after school. Then Madanlalji put the black and white thingy on now called tv, on that he saw that the British planned to attack Rajasthan. Everybody said it was unreal but 1 week later, The British attacked Rajasthan.

Madanlalji and Budhermalji didn’t want to leave each other but they to leave each other. The last words they said to each other was FRIENDS FOREVER. Like it was the end and the start of the world. Everybody started crying all the faces were lost in their heads thinking how much they would miss each other. But Abhay Madanlalji’s father kept strong and said: “everything will be fine now come Madanlalji.”

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