Book Creator

The tectonic comic of doom

by Jakub

Pages 4 and 5 of 33

The spies would spread out across California and the ports and let more spies in. The principle is that there would be enough VRJ soldiers that they could overpower all the Americans and steal the ships with as few casualties as possible as opposed to pure violence. This way it would be a smooth taking of something that’s worth several billion dollars. Then the time came. The wave was going to be big because the plate under the ocean was a converging plate and the tide was high. So the ships with over half their crews from the VRJ went out just out of range of the waves but that was enough. The Americans were quickly slaughtered and the ships were now going to be part of the VRJ fleet. The reason why the Americans brought all their boats off shore is because a tsunami only forms a few hundred meters away from the shoreline whereas farther out it‘s only a big rolling wave. Tsunamis just like earthquakes have foreshocks but they are far smaller and barely noticeable. That‘s why the Americans were in such a hurry.
As that was happening the VRJ was building a tunnel that was going to go a few kilometres into one of the biggest USA bases. The VRJ was putting spies into American territories like crazy. About one in every ten supposedly all American soldiers was working in secrecy for the VRJ. This tunnel was being built by VRJ spies that was going to put down one of the biggest USA bases was about to be struck by a disaster. What the VRJ and the USA didn’t know about was that the base was on a small crack in the plates which was slowly, century by century coming apart and a diverging plate boundary earthquake was going to make a small yet badly constructed tunnel destroying, earthquake there, and it did. The surviving VRJ soldiers made a memorial for something which never officially happened and made a new tunnel. This one was better constructed but was going to take much much longer.
As that was happening the VRJ was building a tunnel that was going to go a few kilometres into one of the biggest USA bases. The VRJ was putting spies into American territories like crazy. About one in every ten supposedly all American soldiers was working in secrecy for the VRJ. This tunnel was being built by VRJ spies that was going to put down one of the biggest USA bases was about to be struck by a disaster. What the VRJ and the USA didn’t know about was that the base was on a small crack in the plates which was slowly, century by century coming apart and a diverging plate boundary earthquake was going to make a small yet badly constructed tunnel destroying, earthquake there, and it did. The surviving VRJ soldiers made a memorial for something which never officially happened and made a new tunnel. This one was better constructed but was going to take much much longer.