Book Creator



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The grade 4's learn about famous leaders as a part of their history module. Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi are two such leaders.

For their ICT class, I provided videos from YouTube about these two leaders, as well as: Winston Churchill, Elson Musk and Barrack Obama. The pupils had to watch these videos and write down any important words that 'jumped out' at them about what they thought made a good leader.
We then used these words to create Word Clouds (Word Art) using images that they thought best represented leadership.

Once this was completed the pupils could then write a short speech (using Google Docs) as if they were leaders of the school and were addressing all pupils and staff. They were to write a speech that was meant to inspire and motivate all during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pupils then had to use the 'split-screen' function and Voice Memos app to record their speech. They were then able to play it back to themselves and test and see whether they needed to make any changes.

Their word art, speech and voice recording were then all uploaded to Google Classroom.
Student work
Weather Report
For Geography, the Grade 4s were learning about weather. We decided to create a weather report at the end of the module to reinforce any learning done.

Pupils used an app called 'Windy', Google Docs and iMovie to create their weather report.

Using Windy, pupils would be able to take a screen recording of the weather for a certain area and time. (This app gives an amazing visual representation of the weather all over the world.)
The pupils then have to interpret this information and turn it into a weekend weather forecast for a specific area.
The pupils will write their weather reports in Google Docs.
Then, pupils will video record themselves in front of a 'green screen' giving the report.
Using iMovie, pupils will create a weather report and add sounds, images and any other features that they think will make it look more professional.
As you can see, there were a number of "teething issues" using the green/blue screen function. This will be corrected next year.
Screenshot from "Windy"