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FATHER: Yes, you are right. We are really sorry for our behaviour dear kids. We should've spend some time with you instead of always being on the internet.

MOTHER: Yeah kids we are truly sorry. We used to spent a lot of hours on our devicies that we were telling you that you have been addicted. We apologise.

GRANDMOTHER: I'm so glad you got out of that box and put an end to your addictions. Just like in the old days, we can always spend time together and have fun.

DORUK: It doesn't matter, mommy and daddy. I agree with Selena, the memories of the past are not experienced again, we should spend our days with our family, that is, we should live with our family, that is, we should not spend our days and I am so glad you have dropped the phone and start socializing. Internet addicts could pose huge problems in the future. 

MOTHER: We are spending a lot of time with technology at this pandemic time. This is more tiring than ever. But we have to stop ourselves. We never take a break. We can't blame you guys.

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FATHER: Yes, I agree with your mother. We did not offer to do something with the family. Now, it is the time to fix this!

DORUK: That's it! We've lost so much time. Let's continue without getting stuck on this. Let's socialize  in the real world.

SELENA: Sounds great, right? Once we succeed, we will help others. Wonderful!

MOTHER: So, first of all, we get up early in the morning and do sports together in the garden.

FATHER: This is a great idea.

DORUK: Yes, maybe our neighbors will see us and join.

SELENA: This is great, I'm very excited already.

MOTHER: We cannot go to the picnic areas this weekend due to covid 19 restrictions, but we can have a picnic in our garden.

SELENA: This idea sounds very good mom.

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