Book Creator



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MOTHER: LET's find what we can do together. Shall we write a story together?

FATHER: I agree, we were in front of this box, as my mother said and forgot to be parents, the most blessed role in the world, especially in this period of pandemic when we are looking for medicine, vaccines, but this virus made the world stop for a while...and us to reconsider that the virus did not lock us in, we had already been locked in the addiction of technology. Missing times...missing life...real life.

Grandma nods her head, the real gist is out of all how you said media? They could be said asocial media, media that makes you as:

FATHER: Live for the moment, let's create a camp.

FATHER:Eeverything will be very nice but you have to be patient .

MOTHER: Yes, everything will be great; this internet addiction and this virus just don't lose hope.

FATHER: These times will pass and will be so happy.  
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DORUK: Yes we will be happy.

SELENA : And after mom, dad, kids and grandma became aware of this addiction, they helped them develop their minds together with the kids so that their usable beautiful filkires will bring them to good places. This addiction is like a virus epidemic that locks people in the house and even more so be you, live your life. LIVE THE MOMENT because memories of the past cannot be lived again.

DORUK: Congratulations Selena. It was a lot of fun to spend time as a whole family and it was a great idea to tell them to our peers.

GRANDMOTHER: Congratulations guys, you've told others and yourself that overusing this box is harmful. This box is useful, of course, but exaggerating makes it harmful.

SELENA: Yeah, grandma is right. We were so into our phones and social media that we forgot how important is to spent time with each other. I really loved our activities that we did.

DORUK: Yeah, I mean technology is good but having memories with the people who you love is first.