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GRANDMOTHER: Well done. Think now and see what you can do.What could be more valuable than living the moment. I am proud of you. You will accomplish greater things in the future.

SELENA: We will buy games that have nothing to do with technology and we will not be dealing with technology.

DORUK: Yes, great idea and so we will stay away from technology and have a good time so let's go.
DORUK: We spent all our days at home looking at the phone, but now I realize how bad it is. What do you think of this Selena?

SELENA: Yes, you are right. We spent all our days at home and we are addicted to the internet. That's so bad. We must do something without internet.

DORUK: I aggree with you.Do you have any idea?

SELENA:  Yes, of course.Let's set a day. Let's spend time with our friends. Let's play games. Let's limit the phone to 2 hours.

DORUK: Perfect idea. It's a social life without a phone. Even the thought of it is so beautiful.
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SELENA: We will get rid of this addiction by spending time with our family, drawing, listening to music, and spending time outside.

(Grandma is listening again with a big smile.)
GRANDMOTHER: WELL DONE , my kids! Well done! Find ways to express what you really feel, with people who you really know, people whose eyes you can see, and understand when they are happy to be happy with them, when they are sad to comfort them with a 'real hug', not by using, how do you say, emot....

SELENA: Emoticons, yes granny how wise you are!!!!

(Mother and father were listening to their kids talking to their
grandma and they start having second thoughts about their own attitude towards technology, they themselves gave  negative influence on their children by spending so much time in front of their screens instead of hanging out  with their children...
Especially, during the pandemic their children needed their hug and care , they needed time spent with them.)