Book Creator



Pages 8 and 9 of 20

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SELENA: Good idea, I think a good board game will do us good, it seems right to unplug the internet from time to time ... Leave our phones aside.

DORUK: Yes let's just try to have some fun without the internet. We are stuck in our houses anyway. What should we play? What about monopoly?

SELENA: Oh yes I am good at monopoly. Get ready to lose!

DORUK: Huh you wish!

GRANDMOTHER: She is holding the cell phone, and she has an expression of satisfaction on her face. At last, they stopped being in front of the screen all the the time.

SELENA: (She feels excited and creative....
But she stops for a while, she needs to check her phone, her messages..... )

SELENA: Wait, I need to check my phone.

DORUK: No, stop.... go on forget about it...Let' s play!
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SELENA: You are more than right. Let's play! Let's construct a company , different from other ones. What do you say ?A large company that will promote activities of 'LIVING THE MOMENT'.

DORUK: Selena, I am amazed! Yes,I would like such an unconventional company! Different from the other ones.This company can warn students as well as children about the dangers of overusing technology!!! It will encourage them to go out and liveeeeeeee!  Lets call mum and dad to play with us! Mum! Dad! Come on! We are going to do something together!

(They started promoting their campaigns and activities and many people joined them so they spent more time without the internet and without getting bored. We should take them as an example and spend more time with our family and friends without the internet )