Book Creator



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Our play consists of two scenes:
 The first scene takes place in a living room, the whole family is gathered there due to Covid restrictions, but each and every member has a different kind of technological addiction apart from the grandma
OUR CAST:( according to the suggestions (From Twinspace-Forum) of our eTwinners )

   Mother: Zizel, she is a teacher
   Father: Ali, he is a menager of a pharmaceutical company
   Son : Doruk (10 years old)
   Daughter: Selena (16 years old)
   Friend : Lucas (16 years old)
   Grandmother Alice: (75 years old)
   Daughter:Emma(17 years old)
Comic Panel 1

MOTHER: Doruk, you play too many computer games. Don't your eyes hurt?

DORUK: No, mom. It is very enjoyable. If you try it, you will understand what I mean.

GRANDMOTHER: What can you play with this box? It is just a box, with no feelings Doruk! Playing is feeling, playing is freedom!

DORUK: Come on granny, do not start again! I am playing 'warcraft'. It is an amazing game...I have so many friends in this game. I do not need to do anything else. I am bored to go out..Nothing to say..I love warcraft.

MOTHER(calling from the hall): I'm going shopping. Doruk, will you come too?

DORUK: Mom I said I DON'T want it ! 

GRANDMOTHER: Doruk, aren't you exaggerating, son?
(Selen is talking to Lucas on the phone not being aware of anyone in the room. Father hears the noise and comes from the kitchen.)