Book Creator

PLP 8 Oregon Adventure

by PLP 8

Page 4 of 43

My Field Study Worries and Solutions
During this field study, I know I will be intensively with my PLP 8 learning team. I worry about this because I need a little bit of time everyday to myself so I can work to the best of my abilities.

I plan to help myself with this worry during the field study by letting my teachers know when I need some alone time.
During this field study, I know I will be unable to care for my pets. I worry about this because my pets each have individual needs and can be hard to look after.

I plan to help myself with this worry during the field study by making sure my parents know how to take care of them for a little while.🦎🐠🐟
During this field study, I know I will have no data or wifi. I worry about being disconnected because I wont be able to read my books that update weekly! (Tragic, I know😦)

I plan to help myself with this worry during the field study by bringing a REAL paperback book with me!📖