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Unit : Molecular Genetic

by R.S. Tamang

Pages 8 and 9 of 12

DNA Profiling~ Lekraj Ghalley
Significance of DNA profiling 

Application od Transgenic Plants and Animals in Energy Production
Following are the few significances of producing biofuels using transgenic plants and animals: 

Meets the increasing global energy demand (Yuan et al. in Akashi, and Nanasato,2018).
Utilization of biomass energy is a means for the sustainable supply of energy and for long-term conservation of the global environment (Akashi, and Nanasato,2018). 
Alternative fuel sources for depleting fossil fuels.
Transgenic plants and animals avoid competition with food production. 
Green energy. 
Processes that previously required multiple steps of feedstock pretreatment and subsequent conversion to fuel are being consolidated into single-step microbial processes using metabolically engineered species (Majidian et al.,2017).
Cost of fuel production may be reduced by engineering microorganisms to use cheap substrates (Majidian et al.,2017).

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