Book Creator

Unit : Molecular Genetic

by R.S. Tamang

Pages 6 and 7 of 12

 DNA fingerprint and Crime ~Lham Dorji
Significance of DNA fingerprint 

Forensic science is the use of scientific methods to investigate crimes. Advance in DNA sequencing to map DNA fingerprint is used in the forensic science for criminal investigation such as rape, murder, and robbery cases. It supports judiciary system to uplift criminal justice by accurately identifying someone responsible for crime and also to exonerate the innocent as below in: 
DNA profile are useful in forensics as tiny sample of human material left behind at crime scene may be sufficient to identify someone. 
Crime scene profile match with individual profile identifies a possible suspect. 
Different crime scene profiles match indicates a repeated offender at work. 
Police use this DNA evidence to support evidence to prosecute someone for a crime. 
Ethics of genetic engineering ~ Sherub Zangmo
What is genetic engineering ?
Gene manipulation, genetic manipulation, and recombinant DNA technology are some of the terms used to describe Genetic engineering. The technique of changing an organism's genetic makeup using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology is known as genetic engineering. To modify genomes indirectly, humans have traditionally regulated breeding and picked offspring with desired features. Genetic engineering is a more advanced variant of traditional biotechnology processes such as breeding. Genetic engineering uses species from all over the world, whereas traditional cross-breeding uses closely related species
What are some of the ethical issues of genetic engineering?
Agricultural impact: 

Those Farmers who do not use those genetically engineered seeds are more likely to go out of business due to genetic modification of particular plants .......