Book Creator


by Alexandros Selitsaniotis

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

Comic Panel 1
In the early 19th century and in a village in Yorkshire, England, the three sisters Emily, Charlotte and Anne Bronte, will grow up and spend most of their lives. They read with passion, write lyrics and in 1845 jointly publish a collection of poems with male nicknames. The collection received negative reviews and sold only 2 copies…
The girls will then turn to the novel.
They lived and wrote at a time when women had to fight hard to live independently and freely.
Through their work, they courageously denounced religious hypocrisy, social inequality, and prejudice against women. They left behind three timeless books that will last forever. Jane Eyre, Kathryn in the Windswept and Wild-Fell's proto-feminist belong to world literature not only as women but also as universal role models.
Comic Panel 2