Book Creator


by Alexandros Selitsaniotis

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

Comic Panel 1
Name:Charlotte Bronte
Date and place of birth: 21 April 1816, Thornton, Yorkshire, England
Occupation:Qualities of writer, poet and novelist 
Remarkable works: Jane Eyre, Willett
Achievements:Denounced religious hypocrisy, social inequality, and prejudice
against women
Date of death:31 March 1855 (38 years old), Howorth, Yorkshire, England
Comic Panel 3
Comic Panel 4
Name:Emily Bronte
Date and place of birth: 30 July 1818, Thornton, Yorkshire, England
Occupation:Qualities of writer, poet and novelist 
Remarkable works: Windy Heights
Achievements:Denounced religious hypocrisy, social inequality, and prejudice
against women
Date of death:19 December 1848 (30 years old), Howorth, Yorkshire, England
Comic Panel 1
Name:Charlotte Bronte
Date and place of birth: 21 April 1816, Thornton, Yorkshire, England
Occupation:Qualities of writer, poet and novelist 
Remarkable works: Jane Eyre, Willett
Achievements:Denounced religious hypocrisy, social inequality, and prejudice
against women
Date of death:31 March 1855 (38 years old), Howorth, Yorkshire, England
Comic Panel 2
Comic Panel 4
Name:Emily Bronte
Date and place of birth: 30 July 1818, Thornton, Yorkshire, England
Occupation:Qualities of writer, poet and novelist 
Remarkable works: Windy Heights
Achievements:Denounced religious hypocrisy, social inequality, and prejudice
against women
Date of death:19 December 1848 (30 years old), Howorth, Yorkshire, England