Book Creator

The Outlet - Spring 2022

by William Huberdeau

Pages 6 and 7 of 39

FEATURED: from the Ghost Story Contest
WINNER: The Hollow Dog - Zoid
Tomoki is a psychiatrist who specialises in mental cases and also a close friend to the mother. “Sure, ask away,” Tomoki said. The mother then explained the incident that happened with Buddy and how she noticed something was different. “The dog was missing its insides, Tomoki, but it seems like she didn't even notice at all.”
The ongoing conversation continued between the two while the daughter still mourned for Buddy. “Why did you have to go Buddy?” I said throwing myself on the bed weeping. While I was in the middle of bawling my eyes out, I heard a dog barking in the backyard. I looked out the window and I saw a dog in the backyard. “It must be another stray dog.” I said sadly. I went downstairs and heard my mother on the phone in the kitchen. While sneaking past the kitchen I overheard my mother say “I think my daughter is delusional. Can you come over and ask her yourself.” 
I stood there in the doorway shocked by what I just heard from my mother. To think that she thinks I'm delusional
over the incident between me and Buddy. I continued to the backyard filled with anger and saw the dog laying
down. I kneeled down and called the dog over, the dog's ears perked up and slowly came to me. When the dog finally came up to me I was completely shocked by what I saw in front of me. The dog that was in front of me was Buddy. 

As time went by there was a knock on the door. The mother rushed to the door and it was Tomoki, she let him inside. “Thank you for coming all the way here. She's upstairs.” the mother said. As the two made their way to the steps, the mother heard some noise outside in the back. Curious, the mother went to the back and heard her daughter talking to someone or something. When the mother opened the back door what she saw was the most horrific thing she ever saw. 
It was her daughter throwing a ball in the distance and in her other hand she was dragging a lifeless dog to the ball. That dog was Buddy. The mother screamed from the top of her lungs and passed out, luckily she was caught by Tomoki. “This is something more than just a small mental issue.” Tomoki said, voice trembling. The daughter stopped doing what she was doing and looked at tomoki and said “Buddy was never dead, my mom lied to me.” She slowly smiled menacingly. 
FEATURED: from the Ghost Story Contest
HONORABLE MENTION: Phantom Requiem - Quay*
*This is an excerpt from the story 'Phantom Requiem' by author Quay. Please click on the hyperlink, emphasized in blue coloring, to read the full story.
It was before the events started to occur in Skyland City; people lived peaceful and quiet lives. Some people even wonder if there is something behind the scenes, brimming… 
Kouta was a tall boy who stood six foot seven, he had a long tail of white hair, and he was about seventeen years old. He always looked pale in comparison to other people at times, but he had a very calm mind and didn’t cause trouble for other people. He never had any friends growing up due to his silent nature and scary drawings; Or so people thought! Kouta wasn’t the best artist in the world but he knew his way around on teaching himself how to draw. Kouta has always been alone. He never knew who his father or mother was, and he was in adoptive care ever since he was five years old. There is also something people never knew about Kouta...He could see spirits. Not only of humans, but little replicas of animals and, even on rare occasions, objects. He learned about this ever since he was seven but he never knew how this happened. Kouta has lived by himself ever since he was thirteen years old to feed himself. There was a distant relative he never knew that sent him money every month to feed and buy the clothes he needed, despite never being there. Kouta understood that whether he wanted to meet him or her one day was a matter of destiny. This is a story about a boy’s paranormal fantasies turning into reality as we dive deep into chaos everywhere in Skyland City… 
It was a sunny afternoon at Skyland High School and Kouta was sitting in his chair across from everyone around him like he always had. He was drawing a few sketches on his paper. These drawings looked to be ghosts trapped in multiple dimensions but nobody but Kouta could understand this. A guy came over, who looked to be in a good mood, meaning he wanted to punch something, he looked to be about sixteen and had brown hair and glasses, as he walked over: 