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Chromebook Introduction for Students

by Stuart Chandler

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

Critical Care of the Chromebook
1. Do not remove the cover or attempt to remove the cover. It can easily cause the screen to break and you are responsible for the repair.
2. Do not place heavy items on top of the Chromebook or pressed against the cover in your backpack. It can easily cause the screen to break.
3. Never have food or drink around your Chromebook. This means asking your friends to move food or drink. In the end, YOU are responsible for damage to the Chromebook. When food slips in between keys, it can lead to a damaged keyboard that must be repaired.
4. Your device comes with a 45 watt Lenovo charger. If you lose your charger, make sure you purchase a 45 watt Lenovo charger. Third party chargers or overpowered chargers can destroy your battery life and cause damage to the charging port.
5. Chromebooks flip all the way over at the hinge. Only do this when necessary as hinges break easily when they are overused.
6. Only install Jeffco approved apps and extensions. Remember, apps take up memory and extensions cause your device to slow down when using the web browser. Remove any unapproved extensions.
7. Log off and shut down the Chromebook at least twice a week. (This is more than just closing the Chromebook.)
8. Clear the cache and browsing data once a week.
9. When having power issues, try these problem solving steps.
10. Check for any updates weekly using Gopher Buddy.
11. When you are having issues with your device and nothing seems to work, do a three finger reset.
12. When Chromebooks are placed in LOST mode, they do not ding. They just get locked so nobody can use them.
Student Expectations & Device Care

Grades 5-12

Grades K-4

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