Book Creator

The Secret Island Escape

by Nethmi Tholangamuge

Pages 6 and 7 of 21

A voice in the distance started to speak"if you want to leave this island you must, finish ALL the puzzles to leave. Do you understand?" What will we do? We will be stuck here FOREVER... we all told ourselves to calm down and we ACCEPTED the challenge. We had 3 riddles to do so, we asked the voice to give us the FIRST riddle First riddle was "If you feed me I grow, if you give me water I DIE!" We thought LONG and HARD until one girl said "FIRE!" We were terrified! We thought there was a FIRE! But the girl didn't finish her sentence "no! The answer is FIRE! "Correct! now...
 "Next riddle, if you eat me you die, I'm longer than eternity, and I'm greater than love." We were a little confused. But this time a BOY called out and raised his hand, and replied with "nothing... if you eat NOTHING you die, nothing is longer eternity and nothing is greater than love." "as wise and an owl, young boy. The final riddle. I am something people fear, you can find me in a graveyard, but some times when people "pass away" they need to accept me, what am I?" I heard that riddle before but I can't remember what the answer was so I came up with a quick answer... "Death?" there was nothing but silence filling the room.....
 "Next riddle, if you eat me you die, I'm longer than eternity, and I'm greater than love." We were a little confused. But this time a BOY called out and raised his hand, and replied with "nothing... if you eat NOTHING you die, nothing is longer eternity and nothing is greater than love." "as wise and an owl, young boy. The final riddle. I am something people fear, you can find me in a graveyard, but some times when people "pass away" they need to accept me, what am I?" I heard that riddle before but I can't remember what the answer was so I came up with a quick answer... "Death?" there was nothing but silence filling the room.....