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The Secret Island Escape

by Nethmi Tholangamuge

Pages 8 and 9 of 21

"how? H-h-h- how d-d-did you get them all right? your not- how-what- NO! I WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE YOU WILL BE STUCK HERE FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY, after are other ruler past away we have been looking for a new leader and your willing to give that up?!?! You're NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU AGREE TO BE ARE RULER! The cave was collapsing and rocks falling from the selling, then another voice started to talk "captain, CAPTAIN! WAKE UP!" Suddenly everything went black, I woke up on the ship, I saw one of the ship members
" I'm so glad you woke up! You were passed out for so long, I was getting worried but I'm glad you're ok now that storm was really bad!" I thought to myself that the second voice that was started to speak was just a ship member but was that all just a dream then... but then I came to the CONCLUSION that I will NEVER find out what real happened.
" I'm so glad you woke up! You were passed out for so long, I was getting worried but I'm glad you're ok now that storm was really bad!" I thought to myself that the second voice that was started to speak was just a ship member but was that all just a dream then... but then I came to the CONCLUSION that I will NEVER find out what real happened.

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