Book Creator

How the Cheetah Got Its Speeed

by William

Pages 6 and 7 of 29

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Later that day, a brawny, muscular Lion with a golden mane blowing in the wind came over, “Hello Cheetah,” he growled with a deep voice, “Do you want to come and hunt some prey with us?”

“I can’t run,” answered Cheetah.

“Suit yourself,” Lion grumbled, starting to lose his temper, as he sprinted off into the distance to tell the others.
Later that day, a brawny, muscular Lion with a golden mane blowing in the wind came over, “Hello Cheetah,” he growled with a deep voice, “Do you want to come and hunt some prey with us?”

“I can’t run,” answered Cheetah.

“Suit yourself,” Lion grumbled, starting to lose his temper, as he sprinted off into the distance to tell the others.