Book Creator

How the Cheetah Got Its Speeed

by William

Pages 8 and 9 of 29

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As the sun rose the next morning, Cheetah opened his eyes to see a Leopard, who was young and playful, eagerly racing towards him. “Hi Cheetah!” he chirped, panting for breath. “Wanna’ come play running races with us?”

“I can’t run,” Cheetah replied.

“Oh, maybe next time then,” suggested the Leopard, sounding disappointed. He ran off tell the others. 
As the sun rose the next morning, Cheetah opened his eyes to see a Leopard, who was young and playful, eagerly racing towards him. “Hi Cheetah!” he chirped, panting for breath. “Wanna’ come play running races with us?”

“I can’t run,” Cheetah replied.

“Oh, maybe next time then,” suggested the Leopard, sounding disappointed. He ran off tell the others.