Book Creator

2022 RBB News 3

by Nguyen, Priscilla

Pages 6 and 7 of 9

Special Visitors
Roberto "Bobby" Barrera and Britt Wells visit RBB to see how students are flourishing!
"RBB! Our Visitors are Finally Here!"
Words by Noelle Darius and Charlotte Chen

When Roberto Bobby Barrera and Britt Wells came to RBB to visit, the students and teachers were all excited and jittery to see them. Some classes were wearing their best outfits, and others wore camouflage in honor of Roberto Bobby Barrera. Everybody was talking excitedly, and finishing some last minute details waiting for the big moment to occur. Everybody gasped with surprise when they heard Mrs. Hudgins' voice ring through, "They've arrived!"

Britt Wells
One of the very special guests who came for an RBB visit was Britt Wills. She is Major General Wells' wife, and she came to RBB to learn more about our classes and community of Del Rio. She got to learn more about our staff and students, and all about the great things we are doing. She also got to learn how we are inspired by Mr. Barrera to overcome obstacles in our own lives. Britt Wells got to meet the teachers too, and she learned what class they taught, and how they were teaching the students. She learned an awful lot during her visit! We enjoyed her company and seeing the smile on her face.

Roberto Bobby Barrera
Another one of our very special visitors includes Mr. Barrera. He came to every class in RBB for a short period of time to talk a little bit about his life's challenges and his perseverance. The classes got to say how he inspires them everyday. It was astonishing to all the classes that he survived the bomb. The classes were intrigued by his life, and held onto every word he said.

That's All, Folks!
Roberto Bobby Barrera and Britt Wells are amazing people. They were very inspiring to the RBB staff and students to do better in their lives and follow your heart's desires. Everyone at RBB learned something new with these special visitors at school. It was so much fun for everyone to meet the visitors!
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Images (clockwise)
Roberto Bobby Barrera and Britt Wills come to RBB
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Falcons of the Week
Falcons of the week display leadership, teamwork, and success in everything they do.
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Riley Tretter
Autumn Estrada
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Thomas Fox
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Tyler Carrico
Ethan Wright
Thomas Fox always strives to make his classroom a bit better, and now he can do even more as falcon of the week! Pre-K is happy to announce him as their falcon.
Riley Tretter is one of the amazing students who have reached the point of falcon of the week! She is a very kind student who is always lending a hand to someone who needs it.
Autumn Estrada is an amazing girl at school and everywhere she goes! Once she sets her sights on a goal, she won't give up until she reaches the top. RBB is proud to name her falcon.
Tyler Carrico is a student who is willing to help, learn, and especially be a falcon! He has super- school and kindness powers, and he is always ready to use them!
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Andrew Chen
Tristen Williams
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Jacob Abner
Charlotte Chen
Jacob Abner blinds everyone with what a kind student he is! He never leaves anyone out of something fun, and makes sure everyone is happy. Second grade has to give it to him: falcon of the week is for Jacob!
With Ethan Wright falcon, what could go wrong in RBB? He is a great student, and is always willing to help out. Whenever someone feels left out, sad, or disappointed, he can help them out!
Charlotte Chen is the third grade falcon of the week is very kind, caring, and respectful. Her teacher Mrs. Nguyen had chose her for these reasons to be the falcon of the week. She absolutely loves guinea pigs with her heart and soul.
Andrew Chen was elected amazing falcon of the week, due to his amazing school skills, magnificent kindness, and no matter what obstacle gets in his way, he pushes right through! Congrats Andrew!
Tristan Williams has earned being falcon of fifth grade, and we all know why! He is a kind student, and will do whatever it takes to help out. The sun is always shining with him at RBB!!

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