Book Creator

Going Coastal 2019

by PLP 8

Pages 4 and 5 of 27

The Astoria Column
The Astoria column depicts pivotal event that have happened throughout history in the past 250 years. Specifically pivotal moments in Astoria and at the mouth of the Columbia River. On the column it also shows portraits of significant people in America’s history.
Rounded Rectangle
Oregon Day 2
Fort Stevens
This was the view from where people would watch out for ships
Today we went to Fort Stevens State Park. Fort Stevens is an old fort that was used mainly in WWII. Fort Stevens was also one of the only forts that was attacked by the Japanese. We started our tour by learning about Battery Pratt. Battery Pratt is where someone would look out for enemy ships. Once we were done there we went and looked at a disappearing riffle. Disappearing riffle are like large cannons that the enemies can’t see as they are approaching. The riffle comes up so quick that the enemies don’t have time to react, so their boat would sink. Then we move on and saw the gun powder and we saw the room where the men would make the calculations for how to shot the riffle. Then we went to this very cool underground hideout. It was very large and it had lots of rooms. One of the more interesting room was the one where they had been testing out a bigger riffle. It had failed but it was very cool to see where this large cannon had been. That’s my recap on Fort Stevens.