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Starting Reception at Treverbyn Academy 2023-24

by Aspire

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Welcome to the Aspire Academy Trust.
Aspire is a vibrant, highly successful and widely recognised Trust determined to raise standards of educational achievement to the very highest levels. We don’t just aim for our children to achieve what is average or expected, but for them to excel both academically and in character.
We live in a global economy that requires our children to be prepared to think both critically and creatively, solve complex problems, and to communicate well. Mastery of the basics: reading, writing, maths and technology is our core purpose, and this sits firmly alongside ensuring our children have well-developed social and emotional skills. Aspire academies have a strong emphasis on the sport, arts and social, moral spiritual and cultural education.
All our 29 schools and academies are an integral part of their local communities and have a real sense of identity. We value the contribution each of our communities makes and the distinctive opportunities and diversity it offers to the Trust. By working in true partnership, we offer exceptional learning experiences to all our children, so they benefit from the strength that being part of the extended Aspire family brings. If you want to learn more about us, then please visit our website at

I look forward to hopefully welcoming you to the Aspire family!
Vanessa Bragg
Aspire CEO
Hello from Mrs Rundle
Mrs Rundle

Head of School
Welcome to Treverbyn , thank you for choosing to send your child to our school!
We offer a happy and caring environment with strong roots in the local community where your child will be encouraged and supported. The school ethos is aspiration, perseverance, collaboration and compassion and your child will learn these values in everything they do.
We have a dedicated and talented team of staff and Friends of Treverbyn who work together to offer our pupils opportunities and experiences to enable them to become successful learners, confident and responsible citizens. 
I look forward to working closely with parents. Your support is always greatly appreciated in this important aspect of your child’s life.