Book Creator

Newsletter Spring Term

by Treverbyn

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Following on from looking at the Wildlife Artist Frans Lanting, the children went on to make masks of their chosen animal, we had some fantastic colourful ones! We celebrated St Piran's Day with Pasties for lunch and a Cornish March around the field waving our flags that we made

After watching the Daffodils start to flower, showing signs of Spring, we wanted to look at them a bit closer and paint some of our own - some children used the daffodils to paint with. World Book Day saw some lovely princesses and super hero's at Nursery. We really enjoyed reading the children's favourite stories.
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Reception - Mrs Kearton
This term we have been exploring where we live. We spent time thinking about our homes, then we thought about our local area and especially about our school where we drew our own maps of the school.

We celebrated everything Cornwall looking at our county within the United Kingdom and our finale was fit and thinking about our world and universe with a space dome experience.

For every text we have explored we have developed our independent writing skills with our fun, fit and write activities.  We have additionally started our Talk Through Stories Curriculum which has been a huge success in its first few weeks and the children have been very interactive and focused. Our maths progress has seen some fabulous consolidation of our numbers to 10, becoming masters of our number bonds to 5 and exploring our 3d shapes.

We also filled our star jar again this half term and we decided for a treat afternoon with movies, bikes, ice cream or hot chocolate!!
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