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Mako sharks

by Jax Suchdev

Pages 4 and 5 of 5

Third, Mako Sharks play essential roles in marine ecosystems as top predators. The main threat to Mako Sharks is overfishing. Shortfin Makos are exceptionally valuable for their meat, fins, and sport. Would mako sharks not be harmed after all we should? appreciate mako sharks for all the times we have killed them and taken them from their family
most importantly
Eighteen species of mako sharks have been killed. According to the 2017 stock assessment, there are only two species left. This is because shortfin mako sharks are overfished and subject to overfishing. As a result, shortfin mako sharks are classified as Endangered globally by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. And mako sharks are scarce, and the only mako shark attack was because someone tried to catch it on a hook.
Visit the mako shark conservatory to help save the mako sharks. The person who created the mako shark conservatory is Bill Kardash 
hope you enjoyed
sincerely jax

oceanconservancyorgmaking sense mako shark conservation

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