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Mako sharks

by Jax Suchdev

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

Welcome, ladies and gents. My name is Jax, and you should donate to the ocean conservancy. I am a mako shark lover; I adore mako sharks, and when I found out mako sharks were being killed, I had to do something. So I decided to create a speech about this will contain the species' slow growth rate and how many mako sharks get slain each year. You will learn more in the paragraph below. Now let's begin.
First, over 1 million mako sharks are killed each year. Assuming they can survive that extended lack of fishing regulations. That means that as many as 1 million shortfin mako sharks are caught and killed yearly. They didn't do anything wrong they're not invasive, and they have families,s, as we do, so killing them, wouldn't be good if they were planning to get revenge. Now let's get to something more serious.

Second The species' slow growth rate is terrible, and if we kill them, they won't be able to reproduce. Then if we kill

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