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How has the geography of the West shaped who we are?

by Field Study 2

Pages 4 and 5 of 20

The last spike and the CPR can connect to 1. Human/environment interaction: in the way that we modified the environment by laying down big flat areas of dirt and gravel and adapted to it by building tunnels through mountains 2. Region: connecting all the different provinces of Canada.

The CPR definitely influenced Canada’s economy with the new ability to carry goods across the entirety of Canada, which quickly enhanced industries and also caused a boom in the need for coal because trains relied on it. Socially, the CPR had passenger trains which could take you so many places very quickly, which pretty much started tourism in Canada. Politically this made Canada more diverse in a way that it could spread cultures between different parts of Canada and also allow people of high power to influence more locations with speeches and visits.

I guess the development of Canada is owed to the CPR so maybe I wouldn’t be alive, if so, thanks :D