Book Creator

Jack Growth Journey

by Benjamin Zhou

Pages 12 and 13 of 14

They walk out of the room, in they go to wizard room, but wizard is fight to them, time stop! Elfin is coming, jack this is last Text, use brave, warmth and kind can make a powerfully sword. Time start, jack say come on every one give me power, kind is when someone need help you need to help. Warmth is someone lose they things you need to help. Brave is to challenge anything. Ok i understand, Shula! A powerfully sword is in the jack hand, he kill the wizard, and take all village out and first take the magic seed put in the ground, wow magic forest is back! That’s so beautiful, amazing!

second day all people, warriors, Ruby, Flappy and Terry are coming say:”thank you, I find my brave. I find my friend, I find my kind. Thank you Jack.”good bye jack, I will miss you all! Elfin and Jack open the door. Jack is back to his home.

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